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Found 5121 results for any of the keywords an adaptive. Time 0.010 seconds.
PADI Speciality Courses | Barefoot ScubaDiving is an adaptive and inclusive sport which is enjoyed by everyone. Being an Adaptive Support Diver, you will be qualified to help your dive buddies with physical or mental challenges. This speciality course aims at
Special Tomato Soft Touch SittersThe Special Tomato Soft-Touch Sitters are an adaptive seating system that provides support in a variety of sitting positions.
Yellis for ages 14-16 (secondary school assessment)Yellis is an adaptive baseline assessment for students at Key Stage 4, aged 14-16 years. Measure aptitude and progress with predictions to GCSE and IGCSE.
Alis for ages 16-19 (Post-16 assessment)Alis is an adaptive baseline assessment for students at Key Stage 5, aged 16-19 years. It measures aptitude and progress, and predicts to AS/A Level.
Events - MSIBecoming an Adaptive Organization: U.S. Government Perspectives
Special Tomato Sitter with Floor WedgeThe Special Tomato Soft-Touch Sitters are an adaptive seating system that provides support in a variety of sitting positions.
Special Tomato Sitter with Mobile BaseSpecial Tomato Sitter with Mobile Base are an adaptive seating system that provides support in a variety of sitting positions.
HMH: K-12 Adaptive Learning Company | HMHAn adaptive learning company, HMH creates K-12 integrated curriculum, assessment and professional learning solutions that power students’ growth.
Dr. Scott Kamelle’s Personalized Strategies for Managing Gynecologic N
Splash screens | Views | Android DevelopersThe splash screen experience brings standard design elements to every app launch, but it s also customizable so your app can maintain its unique branding.
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